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Not confident you're with the right Internet Provider?
Here’s a 5-point check-list.
Michael Speglic • Published Tuesday, 3rd August 2021
There’s a lot of choice out there for Internet Service Providers. Hundreds actually. And once you make the decision, how do you know you’ve made the right one?
Here’s a 5-point checklist…
1. When you have a problem, are they easy or hard to reach?
Let’s face it, anything to do with technology means there’s always the chance of error. That’s why it’s super-important to be with a Telco you can contact easily when you need to via chat / email / call and they then take action to fix – no matter how big or small the issue. If you are in the ‘my Telco is hard-to-reach’ camp, you don’t need to put up with that, there are better alternatives out there.
2. When you do reach them, do they pass you onto someone else and it ends up being a merry-go-around?
When you do get to communicate with your Telco, the last thing you want to be told is, ‘you need to talk to another department, please hold.’ Sigh. Really? Again, you don’t need to go through this. There are several reasons why you could be having internet problems and it's a matter of elimination then solution. Sometimes this takes five minutes, other times a little longer. If you are having issues and you need to get back up and running ASAP, then being buck-passed onto someone else is definitely not ideal or necessary.
3. Does your Telco under-deliver what they promise?
Ever signed up to someone or something and then they disappear or under deliver? You will find that with a lot of larger Telco’s they have very slick sales machines but no substance in the customer care department where it really counts. You need to find a Telco that closes the loop – delivers what they promise the moment you sign up.
4. Slow or Buffering Video?
So frustrating, we get it! But how do you fix? To start you need to be with a Telco that has plenty of capacity in place to deal with peak time loads AND then knows how to help you troubleshoot your problem. Could be a WiFi issue (your modem may need replacing or upgrading), could be a faulty cable or it could be a fault - dealing with a super experienced team will help these options to be worked through quickly and efficiently.
5. Is your Internet dropping out?
This is a common occurrence and to be fair, 9 out of 10 times it's not always the Telco’s fault but that doesn’t mean the telco should not take on the accountability and help provide a solution. Ideally you need a Telco who can pick up these faults before you do. Sadly we are conditioned to accept the fact we need to make the Telco aware of our problems but this is not so. Here at Mint Telecom, we have our own custom product that does just that. Mint Monitor picks up drops of your internet before you do, notifies you of the problem then we kick into gear and find a solution. How good is that?
If you find you are on the wrong side of this 5-point check list, please give Mint Telecom a call, email or chat. Our mission is to provide the best possible service for every one of our customers every day. And Mint Monitor is about us getting on the front foot, putting our customers' needs first so you can get on with your job. It’s as simple as that.
But don’t take our word for it. Check out our reviews…
If you want to get your internet in Mint Condition, please get in touch with our team.
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